Alex y James disfrutaron de una boda hermosa que llevaban varios años organizando y posponiendo tras el COVID.
Disfrutaron de un día hermoso en Hacienda San Juan del Hornillo en Sevilla dónde pudieron disfrutar junto con sus amigos y familiares de una hermosa ceremonia civil, coctel, cena y fiesta. Del catering se encargó Alabadero catering y de las flores Pura Taller de flores.
A su boda no les faltó detalle para que sus invitados disfrutaran de la experiencia de una boda typical Spanish ya que tuvieron espectáculo de cante y baile flamenco, doma española a caballo, etc.
Alex iba hermosa vestida por Martina Liana Bridal y maquillaje y peluquería por Oui Novias
Espero que os guste!
Alex and James enjoyed a beautiful wedding that they had been planning and postponing for several years due to COVID.
They enjoyed a beautiful day at Hacienda San Juan del Hornillo in Seville where they were able to enjoy a beautiful civil ceremony, cocktail, dinner and party together with their friends and family. The catering was in charge of Alabadero catering and the flowers were handled by Pura Taller de flores.
Their wedding did not lack detail so that their guests could enjoy the experience of a typical Spanish wedding since they had a flamenco singing and dancing show, Spanish dressage on horseback, etc.
Alex was beautiful dressed by Martina Liana Bridal and makeup and hairdressing by Oui Novias
I hope you like it!
Destination wedding photographer Seville. Fotografía de bodas Sevilla. Seville wedding photographer. Wedding photography Seville. Fotógrafo de bodas Sevilla.